Kickstarter's 10th Anniversary
After defining the crowdfunding space in 2009, Kickstarter entered a period of dormancy, and its beloved and vibrant brand had become muted and flat. My tenure overlapped with Kickstarter's 10th birthday, and we saw an opportunity to remind the world who we were.
We celebrated with a company-wide effort. Product worked closely with Brand to infuse Kickstarter with new colors, typography, illustrations, and interactive components.
- 144k visitors (goal was 30k)
- 18% engagement rate (goal was 10%)
- $2.1M average daily backings (goal was $1.7M)

Add-on Rewards
While rewards provide an excellent way for Creators to thank Backers for their support, some projects had a level of complexity that our existing feature set didn't meet. The ability to provide "add-ons", or optional rewards, was one of the top user requests.
After user research and a private beta period, we released our take on add-ons across all platforms, taking into account the needs of both creators and backers, and it saw warm reception and immediate adoption.
- 8.5% increase to average pledge amount
- 17% increase to total revenue
- 22% of pledges included add-ons (goal was 15%)

Project Budget
Creators often come to Kickstarter with a creative idea, but no limited experience creating budgets and anticipating fulfillment costs. Lack of planning in this area can make or break a project and is one of the top reported concerns from backers.
The team leveraged a Google Sheets template based on calculations from experienced creators and made it available to everyone. Once completed, an interactive visualization was generated which could be published on the project page to help Backers understand how funds were being allocated.
- 40% of creators use the feature
- 5% of creators publish the visualization
- Significant press coverage